The Oriental roach is also known as the waterbug partly because it is most often associated with damp and moist places. This bug is one of the larger peridomestic roaches and is most often found in lower lying areas of the home such as basements or crawl spaces. Homes with high humidity, chronic leaks, sump… Continue Reading
Tag: how long will roaches live without water
The American Cockroach
American Cockroaches are sometimes known as Water Bug or Palmetto Roaches. This largest of the common household roach did not originate in America but came in shipped cargo from Africa in the early 1600’s. While it is possible to have large numbers occur inside a home most infestations are not nearly as heavy. Preferring warmer… Continue Reading
Getting Rid Of German Roaches: The Crash Diet They Need
Have you ever tried losing weight by doing a crash diet? It’s an extreme technique and most Doctors would advise against it. Wrestlers and boxers do it all the time trying to make weight and women who want to fit into a gown for an upcoming wedding or gala will also endure this torturous… Continue Reading
Carpenter Ants bugging you lately? Call us today!
Are you having a problem with Carpenter Ants? Did you know that there are two main species that are known to get in structures in Florida. Camponotus floridanus (Buckley) and Camponotus tortuganus (Emery). People here also call them the ‘Bull or Wood’ ant but by any name you choose they can be a real pain… Continue Reading
Here’s a quick tip for the fastest elimination of german roaches.
Imagine if you were stuck in the middle of the desert. Which could you survive longer without, food or water? The truth is almost all creatures can go longer without food but only a week or so without precious life giving water. The same is true with german roaches. In fact, a roach can survive… Continue Reading