The Bug Doctor provides Pest Control services in the Summerfield and Ocala area.
From following ant trails along a scenic Iowa river bank to catching stink bugs and playing pranks on his siblings; Jerry had no clue he was setting himself for the pest control career path he knows and loves today serving the Summerfield and Ocala communities with quality pest control and termite control.
We are your local Pest Control & Termite Control Experts.
In the year nineteen hundred and ninety, Jerry had only three things to his name: A family, a truck and a dream. Freshly coming off of being a dog house builder of all things, he reignited his passion for bugs and nature and set out on a pest control journey that is still being written. He knew there was a better way to provide pest control and termite control than that of what the conglomerates could offer. Following his in-laws, he set out for Ocala & Summerfield Florida, a place that has no shortage of bugs. Armed with a clunky sprayer and a thousand watt smile, he paved the path of what you see today: The Bug Doctor.
For years many have said ‘The American Dream is dead’, and if Jerry had bought into that lie, you would not be reading this today. Of course in pest control and termite control, there were hard times, and times where the business was on the brink of failure, but a strong will and faith can trump any circumstance. If you have a few DAYS to spare, Jerry could sit down and tell you an endless amount of stories from those times past, and even today. Ones that could make your skin crawl, eyes water, and ribs hurt from laughter all at the same time. It was tough schlepping to and fro pest control accounts, sometimes being loved or hated, but the love of his family and little creepy crawling guys made it all worth it. It did not start with The Bug Doctor, however. You could say Jerry got a good trial by fire, thrown to the wolves moment when he first started. He met his sweetheart and wife of thirty plus years, Renee, in Baltimore Maryland, where the “city bugs” rule. Some would argue that Florida is the haven for pests, termites, and bugs of all kinds, but pests in a metro city are a different breed of bug. Rats the size of small dogs and roaches with seemingly six-inch legs gave Jerry a good taste of the industry within his first few days. It was in these moments where the love for pest control and termite control, though strange to some, was sparked.