The Do’s and Don’ts of Rodent Control

To kill a bug one needs only to apply his or her learning on the specific pests habits and that’s half the game. Insects don’t ‘think’ per se but rather react to stimuli or needs and bada bing, one dead bug. What if you threw a brain into that insect which could analyze, think critically… Continue Reading

Pavement Ants

As the name suggests pavement ants are so called because of their tendency to construct their nest under sidewalks, driveways and patios. Also known as stadium, piss, sugar, house or picnic ants they dot our pathways and landscapes with their somewhat circular mounds and one central entry hole. These small crater like entrances are similar… Continue Reading

Carpenter Ants bugging you lately? Call us today!

Are you having a problem with Carpenter Ants? Did you know that there are two main species that are known to get in structures in Florida. Camponotus floridanus (Buckley) and Camponotus tortuganus (Emery). People here also call them the ‘Bull or Wood’ ant but by any name you choose they can be a real pain… Continue Reading

The Bug Doctor Educational Moment – Boric Acid

In my job I see A LOT of Boric Acid. It seems to be the answer to almost any pest problem out there. I’ve seen entire lawns covered with it, dog houses, thick lines around babies cribs, baseboards outlined, cupboards, counter tops, whole attics dusted (including all the storage that was up there), crawlspaces, commercial… Continue Reading