The Do’s and Don’ts of Rodent Control

To kill a bug one needs only to apply his or her learning on the specific pests habits and that’s half the game. Insects don’t ‘think’ per se but rather react to stimuli or needs and bada bing, one dead bug. What if you threw a brain into that insect which could analyze, think critically… Continue Reading

The American Cockroach

American Cockroaches are sometimes known as Water Bug or Palmetto Roaches. This largest of the common household roach did not originate in America but came in shipped cargo from Africa in the early 1600’s. While it is possible to have large numbers occur inside a home most infestations are not nearly as heavy. Preferring warmer… Continue Reading

5 Rules of Thumb for Ants In Your Pavers!

A common problem that many people have are ants popping up in their pavers. While not as devastating as termites in your home it still is rather disconcerting and just how to get rid of them can be frustrating. Pavers are becoming quite popular across the country and offer a distinct look and feel to… Continue Reading

The Bug Doctor Educational Moment – Boric Acid

In my job I see A LOT of Boric Acid. It seems to be the answer to almost any pest problem out there. I’ve seen entire lawns covered with it, dog houses, thick lines around babies cribs, baseboards outlined, cupboards, counter tops, whole attics dusted (including all the storage that was up there), crawlspaces, commercial… Continue Reading