The Do’s and Don’ts of Rodent Control

To kill a bug one needs only to apply his or her learning on the specific pests habits and that’s half the game. Insects don’t ‘think’ per se but rather react to stimuli or needs and bada bing, one dead bug. What if you threw a brain into that insect which could analyze, think critically… Continue Reading

Raise The White Flag Against The Whiteflies!!

Raise The White Flag Against The Whiteflies Normally I don’t do garden or plant pest articles and concentrate solely on house hold pests but these little buggers get me so riled up every couple of years and I just know there are others out there who have been as frustrated as I was. Whiteflies in… Continue Reading

6 things NOT to do with a fogger

Fogging for insects used to be the ‘bomb’ (pun intended) It was the end all cure all and even after a failed treatment the client would just be in utter amazement that an insect would live through such a complete and thorough dousing of their house rather than be upset with the technician. Hey maybe… Continue Reading

The Bug Doctor Educational Moment – Boric Acid

In my job I see A LOT of Boric Acid. It seems to be the answer to almost any pest problem out there. I’ve seen entire lawns covered with it, dog houses, thick lines around babies cribs, baseboards outlined, cupboards, counter tops, whole attics dusted (including all the storage that was up there), crawlspaces, commercial… Continue Reading